Dear Everyone; you are all so wonderful.
Please dont think I did'nt want to come back to you all- but my brother in Canada phoned on the other line and I spoke to him until 3am-the computer's in the bedroom so I could'nt turn it back on til now as my husband is worn out too.
I 've just sat here this mornng and read and re- read all of the thoughts you wrote to me. they do help.and this morning i'm crying uncontrolably but it feels like a relief- so i'm getting it out at last.. you've brought that out for me.I'm so grateful to you all.Gizmo, the poem is beautiful - i'll print it out and keep it.Thankyou just2laws ; that was a lovely idea-i'm out all day today with my sister,she'd come to register the death with me and then I have to pick my brother up from the airport- but I would like to speak to you when everyone's gone home later this week- your voice is so calming-i need that.
I hav'nt decided about seeing him- but I think I will have to, I know he would have wanted me to and he saw my mum everyday she was in the chapel of rest.
Mouthy-after feeling I have no religion left after thr wt experience I have been praying over the last few days-thankyou for all you said- I hope I do get to be with him again one day.
But all i really wish is that he's concious somewhere and happy.I may go to the doctor and get something to sleep- You forget how to after something like this..
Eman thankyou, that is a lovely thought- when everyone's gone and I need a walk on the beach with a friendly face I may call you.
I must go and meet my sister now- I love you all; take care of eachother ; perhaps today is a good day to send your dad a card to tell him you love him.